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Saturday, April 03, 2004

Every stupid sitcom I've ever seen where someone schedules two dates on the same day is coming back to haunt me.

Our friends are still in town and are expecting us to spend the whole day with them over on Boca Grande for scheduled activities including a visit to the beach, downtown stroll, and cookout at their hotel. At the same time, some other friends, out for a weekend sail, were planning to stop by for a visit. The simple solution would be to phone our sailboat friends and have them hook up with us over on Boca Grande, the more the merrier, right? The group dynamics might be fun since the two are on fundamentally opposite ends of the spectrum.

We are generally antisocial and shun planned playdates, especially the all-encompassing ones. Holidays bring a sense of dread with their obligatory get-togethers and forced merry-making and every year we promise ourselves that we'll get away and do our own thing, but we usually get sucked right back into it. Guilt. I'm thinking that Easter would be a good time to go house hunting in Fort Pierce.

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