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Saturday, May 01, 2004

Williamsburg to NJ

It seems I have temporarily run out of space on my free picture host, Walagata. I suppose that means I need to pull out the old credit card and buy myself some more. But tonight, borrowing my brother's laptop, I haven't the means to upload any photos, larger account or not.

Williamsburg was a lot of fun. The final night we saw a performance called "The Grand Medley." a sort of 18th century vaudeville show. It was corny and funny, and we all had a very good time. S was singled out of the crowd and asked her name, which was a huge coincidence, because the name of the princess in the puppet segment of the show also happened to be named S (wink, wink.) I have now conclusively decided that my hard-to-type, G, must definitely be an Introvert, because she absolutely refused to play along with the juggler warming up the crowd. She simply shook her head repeatedly to his promptings to play ball with him. A chip off the old block she is. And S, is a complete history reenactor groupie, asking to have her picture taken with Patrick Henry, the Medley cast, and any other character she came in contact with.

L is fascinated with rocks and has been collecting them throughout the trip, tucking them into her pockets, suitcases, and my backpack. I found one she dropped on the bathroom floor that, at first glance, I mistook for a rotten tooth. I imagined my father getting ready for bed, taking out his plate and knocking out his last whole tooth. We had a big laugh when I showed it to him, and then and even bigger one when he convinced the girls that it was indeed his tooth and the next morning found a hundred dollar bill under his pillow from the Tooth Fairy. It was so valuable because it's an antique.

We lost, or ditched my parents a few times and that's when I noticed that most older people look alike. The women all seemed to dress like my mother and all had the same short white hair. It made finding her in a crowd very difficult.

On the way to New Jersey, we tried to hook up with Dy, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, but it didn't work out, so we'll give it another try on the return trip.

My brother has a condo in an old estate up on Lake Hopatcong in NJ, and we spent this morning looking around the property and the lake before S, G and I went off into NYC to visit The Cloisters, part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art specializing exclusively in medieval art. In addition to an amazing collection, the building itself is pieced together from remnants of old cloisters and other medieval architectural elements. There is so much to see there and just not enough time, so we rented the headphones and focused on the highlights of the collection. We took a cab from Penn Station to the museum and then the A train back to Penn station. While on the subway, we were treated to a real New York moment, when two black kids, one about 7 years old and his partner, about 18, got on the train, pulled out a small boom box, introduced themselves, and started dancing in the center of the car. The bigger one even flipped the little one over his head. In the train car. My little angels sat there slack-jawed, even after they had passed the hat.

Tomorrow we are planning to go down to Philadelphia, but my brother says we would have as long a train ride as we would driving. He would like to go with us, so we'll see what everyone is up for in the morning.

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