Looking For a Secular Florida Umbrella School?

Friday, July 23, 2004


After L's four-year old check up, which was just fine by the way, our Turkish friends came out to the island for a sleepover.  We were having such a good time they decided to stay another night, which is a huge compliment to my skills as a hostess since they are restauranteurs, and a huge compliment to our accommodations, because in addition to the usual four of us, there were four more people squeezed into our little fish shack.  I have a feeling that entertaining a crowd of women and children in a small house is probably a very Turkish thing to do.  We've always talked about traveling to Turkey one day, but now we have some pretty firm plans for the spring.  And don't you know we'll have to check out the real estate scene...

The weather held out and we spent two fun days on the beach.  Tomorrow we're buzzing down to Naples to visit our homeschool pals that we met via welltrainedmindsecular on yahoo, and on the way home we will swing by Boca Grande for dinner with our other friends from Hollywood who will be over for the weekend.  This is highly unusual for us, the hermits, and frankly, exhausting. 

I passed on my SIL's baby shower Sunday.  Still thinking about buying her The Mommy Myth for a gift.  I swear, I'm just trying to be helpful.  Otherwise, I'm waiting for the baby.  The big excitement?  Girl, which would make seven in a row, or Boy, the one and only, the heir apparent.  We only have to wait until August 18, when she is scheduled for her C-section, to find out.

Next week:  Birthday party for a homeschool friend, an east coast mammogram, and a move into our rented Punta Gorda house.

Maybe then a little schoolwork?

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