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Friday, October 01, 2004

The Big Debate

Everybody has their own opinions, and mine, you know I'm going to give you mine, is that Kerry may have slightly edged Bush out last night. They were generally equal in their presentations. Kerry kept Bush on the defensive more than vice versa, but he also made some chillingly aggressive statements. So, basically, a tie. Unless you count their physical appearance, and then Kerry won. That though, is only my very obviously unqualified, shallow, soundbite of an opinion.

My daughter, G, however, took a very scientific approach, creating a chart of pros and cons, analyzing each major point, and assigning points based on the weight of each issue and the candidates' responses. This was all done on our erasable whiteboard, in meticulous detail. At one point, running out of the room for a bathroom break, she flung the board into my lap and asked me to keep score in her absence. Sorry to say, I was not up to the task, and not much help. In my defense, it was very complicated.

When the points were tallied, she announced Kerry had won by a score of 14 to 8, but insisted that this is inconclusive as there are still two more debates to go. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted.

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