Looking For a Secular Florida Umbrella School?

Thursday, July 28, 2005

What we did see:

-- Construction workers atop many blue tarped roofs, hands shading eyes, scanning the skies in a generally eastward direction

Later, when we took some homeschool friends out to the island for the afternoon, we got an eyeful:

-- Gopher tortoise lurching along then performing a splendid belly slide into his burrow

-- Junior armadillo waddling unconcernedly along the side of the house

-- Great Blue Heron enjoying the sun on our dock, accompanied by fledgling blue heron

-- Manatee grazing along the grassy bottom below our dock

-- Momma and baby porpoise rounding up mullet in the shallows of our bay

And then, for a grand finale, leaving the marina on our way to check the post office box:

-- Stout bobcat attempting to cross the road, reconsidering, and slinking back inside the mangroves

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