Looking For a Secular Florida Umbrella School?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Never mind...

The 3, 5, 7, and 9 tests are mandatory for those attending public school and those homeschooling under the distance education program (because it's still government schooling, don't you know.) After reading and rereading and re-rereading the introductory information I have determined that for the remainder of us, the few, the proud, the minority writing our own programs, it's purely voluntary.

(photo from SNL Archives)

1 comment:

Donna Boucher said...

he he....
"What's all this I've heard about Presidental e***tions?"

Presidental Elections.....

Oh. Nevermind.

She was the best.

(I hope this is not too naughty for your comments...and if it is delete away!)