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Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today seemed like a rather useless day. We got off to a late start. I was distracted by a discarded chair. Kids needed to be fed. And right when I finally got into hacking the heck out of the hedges, the sun started to set and Elle had to be picked up from her friend's. I only ended up getting in about one solid hour of work.

But I also looked at several hundred paint chips, checked IKEA online for kitchen cabinets, bundled a small mountain of yard waste for the garbagemen, removed and relocated a small oak tree, and had a nice visit with friends. That's my kind of productivity!

Imagine how much I will get done tomorrow with an early start, Grice at school, Elle at the circus with friends, and Jorge over on the other coast...

1 comment:

kimberley said...

Thanks again for taking the time to collect the chair for me, I just love its' curves! And glad to hear you were able to get a little bit done :)