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Friday, June 24, 2011

Atheism is Entertaining!

Sarabelle and I took a quick trip up to Boston to see Tim Minchin earlier this month. If you get the chance to be within range of one of his appearances, GO. Sarabelle, already a fan of his wickedly clever lyrics, spirited piano-playing, and flat-out hilarity, summed it up when she gushed, "I love him more than ever now!"

Last night Elle and I watched The Ledge. I really liked this. It's worth the download. My kids are rather squeamish about sex scenes and Elle found her notebook doodling much more interesting than the two on-screen encounters. It amuses me that some parents are more likely to censor a movie based on sexual content rather than on violence. Make love not war...?

Counting down the days until The Amazing Meeting! I decided this year, instead of reading about how informative it was and how much fun everyone had and wishing I had the chance to go, that I would go.

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