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Thursday, January 15, 2004

Books on Florida

We love our homestate of Florida. Not the touristy, themeparky, Jimmy-Buffetty* shlock that most people identify with Florida, but the real Florida. Old Florida. I'm a native, married to a native from a family of South Florida pioneers. I just added links to some of the books we have on Florida, in my sidebar.

Also, to get a hilarious, true sense of Florida these days, read any fiction by my hero, Carl Hiaasen (whose dream is to be banned forever from Disney World.) His collections of non-fiction are equally good.

My oldest daughter (born as Hurricane Andrew tore through town -- as if giving birth the first time wasn't exciting enough) wants me to add a disclaimer: The book on Jose Gaspar is NOT for children; lots of 'sailor talk'. (Oops, I obviously didn't pre-read this one.)


* Attention Parrotheads: I can certainly appreciate a well-crafted lyric and tune, and boy, Jimmy's sure got some great ones, BUT, it drives me crazy to have to hear, for example, "Margaritaville"...every...single...time...I visit a rawbar or any outdoor restaurant within 10 miles of the coast. So cliche. I think Jimmy would agree.