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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Break Out the Popcorn

We lounged around yesterday afternoon and watched our new trove of movies from Netflix. These have nothing to do with our historical studies, but were chosen for their social relevancy.

Mean Girls - Tina Fey didn't have much writing to do here. Almost every character and situation sketched out in Queen Bees and Wannabes was in there. All she had to do was put it together, but oh, what a good job she did. It was very funny moralistic little story. Amy Poehler as the mother of the Queen Bee was particularly hilarious.

"Still think you might want to go to school, honey?" "Ha!"

Cane Toads - A really offbeat Australian documentary about the Bufo Marinus, a particularly invasive non-native species of toad, imported in the 1930s to help control, alas unsuccessfully, the Cane Grub.

Americans and Australians are both the bastard children of England, but the Australians have more of their mother's eccentric sense of humour.

Fahrenheit 9/11 - We only watched about one third of it so far, planning to view the balance this afternoon.

This movie is great for spurring discussion. Why, last night alone we talked about the oil industry, relationships between government heads, responsibility of leadership, influence of money, psychology of fear, media slant, editing techniques and bias, foreign cultures, and the justification for using force. S and G are fascinated. They closed their eyes for the public beheadings and the more gruesome scenes of Iraqi bomb victims, though.

Next up...Super Size Me.

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