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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Back In Black

Elle started Kindergarten yesterday. She was not as excited to see me at the end of the day as I was to see her. "You were right, Mama, I had a great day! Why did you have to come so early?!"

Sarabelle and Gracie are up in New Jersey for the net two weeks. I'm practically single and childless again. I have hours during the day where I do nothing but drive around and get things accomplished. No one changing the radio station, no one complaining that her sister touched her, no one begging to stop for snacks or drinks. Boy, do I miss them.

Our trip went well. We saw a large number of cousins and made it back home relatively unscathed.

Entering into a relationship with the intent or hope of changing someone is almost guaranteed to be ultimately unsuccessful, if not an outright disaster, but the best relationships, the successful unions, do change you. They make you a better person. The positives overcome the negatives. Unintentionally.

That's what I learned on my summer vacation.

My husband has softened my edges. I am not the person I once was, and more importantly, the person I would have been, because of our fortunate intersection. The juxtaposition of my past and present last week was jarring. Jorge's strengths outweigh my weaknesses. He has saved me in so many ways.

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