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Saturday, April 29, 2006

Moving along

Yesterday was my last day of work. I was just another local packing up to head somewhere else for the summer, so it was a very uneventful event. A few friendly hugs and promises to stay in touch with the knowledge that I am planning to return in November but with the uncertainty that they may never see me again. One thing is for sure though, if in the meantime M, my cohort and the boss's other assistant, is pushed to her limit and moves on to something else, I'm definitely not coming back. No way. The girl knows everything. And she's a lot of fun. So, just in case the boss ever finds this:

Hey! M needs a raise! Right now!! Pay up or she walks, man, and you really don't want that to happen...

Last night I went out and burned up some of the Christmas gift cards I still have hogging up way to much space in my wallet. I picked up extra sheets for our bed and for the girls' twins because we seem to have misplaced our extra set and the girls' bedding is pink and fluffy and covered with numerous nail polish stains, something that might not go over so well with the catsitter boys.

Today Jorge has spent the better part of the day carting the remaining banana boxes out of the garage and piling them up on the bookshelves. Our bedroom has been designated The Library for its generous wall space. It's now like a mini apartment, and I could easily shut myself up in here for very long periods of time. The contents of each banana box take up exactly one shelf. Thus far 22.5 of the available 25 shelves (not counting the one unit still in the garage) have been filled. That's a ton (or tonne, as I should get used to saying) of reading and teaching materials. Jorge questioned the sanity in keeping all these items until Elle picked up the multiplication Wrap-Ups and with a wee bit of guidance, promptly taught herself the ones, twos and tens times tables.

This week will be spent organizing books, not because it has anything to do with preparing for our transoceanic move, but because it will drive me nuts looking at them all mixed up.

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